Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What libraries should do better -- part 3

3> Be more digital.

Share online content. Every exhibit that draws on institutional information or resources should be made available electronically through a website for viewing and downloading. Integrate print, non-print and digital information. Share documents meant for internal use only through a secure website. Share other documents for patrons and other librarians for information and educational purposes.

4> Provide more electronic resources.

Education and recreational resources such as electronic books are available. Some libraries now offer electronic downloads of audio and video materials. The downloadable materials are checked out like books and automatically returned at the end of the load period. The reader does not have to visit the library in person. Electronic books are useful for research and recreational reading when the reader can't get to the library. The library also saves on shelf space and the time needed to return books to the shelves. Offer full text data bases saving the patron time and saving shelf space in the library. Reach out through partnering with other libraries or schools. Join the local library co-operative.

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